Senin, 19 Desember 2011

logo Asli SMP N 2 SUKOHARJO. . .


 logo Asli SMP N 2 SUKOHARJO. . .

                                                                     ini versi 1 biru tua

ini versi ke 2 biru muda. 

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Senin, 12 Desember 2011

Jumat, 18 November 2011

satria fu 150 modification


Join the community get a lot of the benefits. "One could add the reference modification workshops," open Herry 'Casper', one member of Cibinong Satria Club (CISC), which also garnish Suzuki Satria FU150 output in 2009.

The proof, while CISC will be touring to Bandung during the three days, Casper asked his friends, there is a good baseball modification workshops there.

"Turns out there was a good acquaintance airbrush workshop. And a subscription Bandung Satria Club kids, "he explained. So, it occurred to him, for all his favorite steed modifi it.

Sure enough, they reached the town of Flower, Casper baseball straight to the inn. In fact towards Bhen's Airbrush (BA), on Jl. Pasundan No. 67, balungan, Bandung, West Java. This workshop is held Mulyana Sumantri Rahmat, aka Kang Beben.

"Hello Kang Beben, what's it going? Kang, I want to paint the motor nih. Graphic motif, essentially follow the original color of ya! "Story of a man who lived in the area Cibiriung, Cibinong, West Java, as he recounted the moment give up his motorcycle.

After three days, a new face was sprayed with Sikkens paint finish. So that when returned to the city of origin, the appearance of six-speed motors transmit this has changed completely.
But so just it? Not yet! Because, he felt there was a less comfortable with his new look. What is it? It turns out the legs of a standard less supportive of the display motif of new clothes.

Finally back modification. Both rims replaced the original bar. The choice of rim radius gold-plated, labeled U-shape model Comet 1.40 x 17 front and 1.60 x 17 to the rear.

"If the front tire size 70/80-17 M1 use Comet. The back of the FDR Genzi 80/80-17 profile, "added Casper. Front drum was adapted from Kawasaki Ninja 150R, was in the back of the fixed standard.

To add a rehearsal and shine view, there are some parts that chromated. Start swing arm, front sokbreker, Footstep front-rear, kick starter, rear stirrup, triangle top-down, handlebar steering, front-rear brake master, front-rear calipers, brake and clutch handles, until the middle and sides standard.
Views are great, the engine was not touched, because by default it is fast Casper. Only apply CDI from BRT type dualband, and exhaust DBS. "Let me look no std (standard, red) really so!" He said.

"Oh yes, all workmanship is also assisted the club and my friends garage 4 Stroke Clinique, at Jl. Raya Cipayung, Cibinong, West Java. Starting from the search for spare-parts aftermarket, to dismantle tide, "the lid.

Boljug! (That sounds good, red).

Data Modification:
Bodi: Airbrush Graphics, Sikkens
DPN-blkg Tires: Comet M1 Genzi 0/80-17 70/80-17 & FDR
DPN-rim blkg: Comet U-shape, 140-17 & 160-17
Handlebar: Standard chromated
Sokbreker front: Standard chromated
Swing arm: Standard chromated
CDI: BRT dualband
Exhaust: DBS
Bhen's airbrush: 022-7049 7838
4 stroke Clinique: 021-9544 4550

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Sabtu, 12 November 2011

Pb Hack V 7.9 Special Cheat Casper/Ghost + magnet (Super Dewa) Come Back + Disertai Fullhack Updates 12 Nov 2011 Trial 3 Hari


Downloads Cheat : 
Downloads Password : 
Fiture & Hotkey :

[-]MAGNET + Auto Hs manual     : F3 | F4
[-]Ghost(Casper /BUG)          :F5 | F6   [BT/DC]
[-]Damage                      : Numpad 1 | Numpad 2
[-]Pasang 1 Hit                : Numpad 3 | Numpad 4
[-]Defuse 1 Hit                : Numpad 5 | Numpad 6
[-]Akurasi (HS up)             : Numpad 8 | Numpad 9
[-]Cheat Darah RM              : F9 | F10
[-]Perfect Kick                : F11
[-]Hiden  Super Cheat      :F1(kalau DC jangan di pakai)
[-]Exit PB Auto                : F12

Cara pakai :

- Play seperti biasa lah
- On kan magnet , Bunuh / Kill musuh maksimal 10 org lalu offkan
- nunggu 5 detik
- On kan lagi kill sampe 10 saja,,,
- offkan , dst nya begitu berulang-ulang

-On kan saat dalam keadaan darurat/mau menghilang
-offkan saat menembak
-kalau pasang bom  , bom akan ada di C <Hilang gak ada jejak>
-Kalau menembak musuh saat ghost masih on akan disconect,,bla ,,bla,,bla,,,
-Hanya buat menghilang , membokong kill musuh , dan pasang bom hilang,,

[-]Untuk 1 Hit pasbom + akurasi on kan di lobby , yang lain on kan dimana saja work

Tutorial PB :
[-]Buk PB launcher
[-]Buka Cheat
[-]Masukan password nya
[-]Start Pb lo
[-]Auto Inject
[-]Happy Cheating
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Sabtu, 10 September 2011

Sony ericsson


Kini, Facebook lives di Xperia™

Berbagi segala yang Anda sukai dengan lebih mudah Lihat caranya

Stasiun multimedia LiveDock™

Rumah pintar bagi ponselmu Lihat lainnya
Xperia Arc

Memperkenalkan Xperia™ arc yang mengagumkan.

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Sabtu, 13 Agustus 2011

Sentuhan Baru Honda CBR1000RR

Produsen motor Honda mengeluarkan edisi spesial dari CBR1000RR. Di edisi spesial tersebut Honda melaburi motor Fireblade tersebut dengan sentuhan grafis layaknya motor Casey Stoner di arena MotoGP.
Pabrikan berlambang sayang pengepak tersebut mengeluarkan special edition CBR1000RR Repsol pada Fireblade tersebut khusus untuk para pecinta roda dua di negeri asal Stoner, Australia.
Replika motor balap Stoner ini menurut Motorcycle News, Rabu (11/5/2011) hanya akan diproduksi terbatas yakni hanya sebanyak 170 unit saja. Tidak diketahui apa makna 170 di edisi khusus ini.
Para pemilik Fireblade edisi Stoner ini nantinya akan mendapat sebuah motor bermesin 1.000 cc yang dibalut grafis Repsol Honda. Motor ini akan diberi plakat khusus untuk menjaga keasliannya.
Selain itu, para pembeli motor ini juga berhak atas penggunaan nomor 27 di motor tersebut yang merupakan nomor balap khas yang selalu digunakan oleh Stoner dan tidak lupa, Stoner pun akan memberikan tanda tangannya di motor ini.
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Kamis, 04 Agustus 2011

Jumat, 29 Juli 2011

Satria FU 150


 New Satria Fu 150

Satria F 150

Spesifikasi Suzuki Satria Fu 150 :

Jenis : 4-Tak, DOHC, Berpendingin Udara SACS, 4-Katup
Jumlah Silinder : 1 (satu)
Diameter Silinder : 62,0 mm
Langkah Piston : 48,8 mm
Isi Silinder : 147 cc
Perbandingan Kompresi : 10,2 : 1
Daya Maksimum : 11,7 ps / 9.500 rpm
Torsi Maksimum 12,4 Kgm/8500 rpm
Karburator : Mikuni BS 26 - 187
Saringan Udara : Jenis Kertas
Sistem Starter : Kaki & Listrik
Sistem Pelumasan : Perendaman Oli

Panjang Keseluruhan : 1.945 mm
Lebar Keseluruhan : 650 mm
Tinggi keseluruhan : 980 mm
Jarak Antara As Roda : 1.280 mm
Jarak Mesin Ke Tanah : 140 mm
Tinggi Tempat Duduk : 764 mm
Berat Kosong : 106 kg

Suspensi Depan : Teleskopik, Bantalan Oli
Suspensi Belakang : Lengan Ayun, Bantalan Oli
Sudut Kemudi : 45° (kiri dan kanan)
Radius Putar : 2,0 m
Rem Depan : Cakram
Rem Belakang : Cakram
Ukuran Roda Depan : 70/90 - 17 38P
Ukuran Roda Belakang : 80/90 - 17 44P

Sistem Pengapian : CDI
Accu : 12V 2,5 Ah 10 HR

Tangki Bahan Bakar : 4,9 Liter
Oli Mesin : 1.000 ml
Dengan Penggantian Saringan Oli : 1.100 ml

Kopling : Manual plat majemuk tipe basah
Transmisi : 6 Percepatan
Arah Perpindahan Gigi : 1 ke bawah, 5 ke atas
Rantai Penggerak : DID 428 DS, 122 mata 

Suzuki Satria Fu 150 Modifikasi :

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New Rx-King 135cc

Rx-King 135cc

Spesifikasi Yamaha RX-King :

Tipe Mesin : 2 Langkah, Air Cooled
Diameter x Langkah : 58,0 x 50,0 mm
Volume Silinder : 132 cc
Perbandingan Kompresi : 6,9 : 1
Kopling : Manual, Basah, Multiplat
Susunan Silinder : Satu/Miring
Gigi Transmisi : 5 Kecepatan
Pola Pengoperasian Gigi : 1-N-2-3-4-5
Karburator : VM 26 x 1 MIKUNI
Kapasitas Oli Samping : 1 Liter
Baterai : GM 3-3B/12,3
Busi : BP 8HS-10
Sistem Pengapian : CDI
Sistem Pelumas : Autolube
Dimensi PxLxT : 1970 x 735 x 1065 mm
Sistem Starter : Kick
Daya Maksimum : 18,5 PS/9.000 RPM
Torsi Maksimum : 1.54 KGF.M/8.000 RPM
Suspensi Depan : Teleskopik
Suspensi Belakang : Swing Arm
Ukuran Ban Depan : 2.75-18-4 PR
Ukuran Ban Belakang : 3.00-18-4 PR
Berat Kosong : 100 kg
Tipe Rangka : Double Cradle
Kapasitas Tangki : 9,5 Liter
Jarak Sumbu Roda : 1245 mm
Jarak Terendah ke Tanah : 160 mm
Jarak Tempat Duduk : 770 mm
Rem Depan : Cakram Double Piston
Rem Belakang : Tromol

Yamaha Rx-King Modifikasi :

"Bang Baron thn 2000" from aditya cahya putra

"King Alpay thn 95" from Alfiary Pratama Pencil
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